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Let's try something different

In a world of advertising sameness and a me-too philosophy, we have, since our inception in 1985, strived to create communications that separate our clients from others within the same category. By focusing on ideas and concepts that underline each brand strategy within the market — but that attack the problem with a kind of lateral thinking —

we have crafted campaigns that differentiate, and resonate with our target audiences.


We do our homework

The marketing disciplines we bring to bear, such as strategic planning, positioning, identifying true consumer benefits and developing a brand character, are those that have been honed on products and services for some of America’s largest corporations, such as Procter & Gamble, General Foods, British Airways, Farberware and Canon. We are seasoned professionals who have experience from major agencies and

corporations, and collectively we bring many years of diverse experience to bear on any assignment.


Yes, we do that

Because we are agile and not bogged down in a large corporate structure, we are able to provide a wide range of services without the typical ad agency angst. Whether it’s print, radio, TV, digital, video production, research, design, collateral, publications or general strategic consulting, Oxygen is there. If it’s something we can’t do, we’ll tell you right away.


A humble claim of unique expertise

While we have worked with a wide range of consumer products and services, plus extensive B2B assignments, our work in the healthcare and education arenas stands out. Healthcare clients have included over 28 individual hospitals, plus 5 Healthcare systems in 6 states comprising 17 hospitals and 46 ancillary facilities. Our education work has included leading art and science institutions, where we have developed marketing and recruitment programs, as well as general consumer awareness campaigns that have dramatically increased enrollment.


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